Why Drum Lessons Are So Important

Why Drum Lessons Are So Important

Drum lessons can be a fun way to help kids learn about music, stay physically active and even improve their brain health. It’s also an important part of a healthy lifestyle and helps kids develop self-discipline. They’ll have to practice regularly, be responsible for their equipment (oiling pedals, tuning drums etc) and keep it organised. This teaches them responsibility, and is an excellent opportunity to teach them the value of a good work ethic.

Many students get frustrated when they first plop down behind their drum kit and can’t play a beat. That’s why it’s so important to teach the basics right from the start, no matter what age they are. This will give them a strong foundation to build on and ensure they’re progressing well rather than getting discouraged.

For beginners, this could be as simple as learning to count quarter notes. This will allow them to play basic drum beats that are common in many songs on the radio. If they can do this, they’ll be able to rock out on their drums and will have a great foundation to learn more advanced patterns.

Whether they have an existing interest in music or not, most children already have some rhythmic ability. They’ll often dance or clap to music and this is a great indicator that they are ready to learn a new skill. Programs like Little Wing music can help build this and teach the fundamentals of drumming, including rhythm and timing.

Another great thing about drums is that it’s a very inclusive instrument. It can be played by people of all ages and cultures, and this is especially true when kids take their first drum lesson. This enables them to make friends from all backgrounds and experience different styles of music, which is a wonderful opportunity for learning about other countries and cultures.

Research has shown that drummers have a higher IQ level than other musicians. This is because drumming requires coordination of all four limbs and both sides of the brain at the same time. This helps boost cognitive skills in a variety of subjects, including math and art classes.

It’s very important to remember that drumming is not an easy skill to learn, and if it was, we would all be playing professionally by now. It takes patience and persistence to become a drummer, but this is a hugely rewarding hobby that’s a lot of fun. It’s a fantastic way to relieve stress and gives children a chance to express themselves creatively.

For parents who are considering toronto drum lessons for their child, we recommend checking out online drum education platforms such as Drum Ambition. These offer a range of courses from beginner to advanced, as well as one-to-one video lessons and curated practice plans. There are free trial options to get you started and you can pay monthly or annually.

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